
We add value and listen to our most valuable asset

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The values that guide our actions

Employee well-being

We guarantee the well-being of our employees by offering them comfortable workplaces designed to safeguard personal dignity, freedom and mutual respect. We do not tolerate discrimination, harassment or any form of abuse. In this context, the principles of equal opportunities and equal treatment are acknowledged through the enhancement of differences in gender, culture, religion and ethnicity. We support active health and safety policies in the workplace, which centre around the principles of protection, safeguarding and safety. The way our working spaces are designed encourages relations between people, exchange of information and co-operation. We implement initiatives that encourage a proper work-life balance and enhance the skills of our employees by means of personal growth plans and professional development at various levels

Reference Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The goals of the 2022-2023 Sustainability Plan

Well-being and development of the human capital


Multi-year training program for staff


Enhancement and inclusion of new talents


Incentives and training on healthy life choices and prevention


Support for initiatives supporting the work-life balance for staff


Facilitation of relations with the Public Administration


Gender equality and Diversity Management


Involvement of staff to meet their expectations

Sustainability Report

Our sustainability values take the form of concrete actions.


Sustainability Report


Sustainability Report - abstract