Our commitment to Sustainability

We are extending our knowledge base, to step into the future.

Download the Sustainability Report 2022

InfoCamere Group Sustainability Plan

Governance and economic responsibility


We have implemented a structured and organic system of guidelines, rules and procedures to be applied when carrying out the institutional tasks assigned us, to promote anti-corruption. We practice good behaviour in line with the highest ethical standards, ensuring respect for the law and for relevant internal regulations. We are committed to guarantee quality, information security and privacy, governing the complexities associated with our business through certified corporate Management Systems to ensure continual improvement of our operations

We manage relations with the supply chain using principles of transparency, impartiality and good practice, in compliance with current regulations on public tenders. We disseminate principles of sustainable development to our Stakeholders, encouraging them to take responsible actions when carrying out their own activities

Shared, widespread innovation


We believe in sharing and disseminating innovation in response to the needs and evolutionary changes in citizens and businesses, which we accompany with high technology content services and evolved tools. We work to make innovation open and accessible to all, dynamic and capable of bridging the divide between ourselves and other Countries, offering greater competitiveness for Italian businesses. We design and develop solutions to simplify the relations between businesses and the Public Administration and ensure favourable conditions for the ongoing evolution and transformation of business activities, working to support the competitiveness of the National Economy

Corporate Responsibility


We guarantee the well-being of employees, safeguarding personal dignity, freedom and mutual respect.

We guarantee the well-being of our employees by offering them comfortable workplaces designed to safeguard personal dignity, freedom and mutual respect. We do not tolerate discrimination, harassment or any form of abuse. In this context, the principles of equal opportunities and equal treatment are acknowledged through the enhancement of differences in gender, culture, religion and ethnicity. We support active health and safety policies in the workplace, which centre around the principles of protection, safeguarding and safety. The way our working spaces are designed encourages relations between people, exchange of information and co-operation. We implement initiatives that encourage a proper work-life balance and enhance the skills of our employees by means of personal growth plans and professional development at various levels.

We encourage dialogue and co-operation between our Stakeholders aimed at cultural, social and sustainable development, making available physical and virtual spaces. We help to train young students, offering paths that facilitate the connection between Schools/Universities and the labour market, also taking part in university research activities

Environmental Responsibility


We are committed to protect the environment, monitoring the impacts connected to our activities.

We promote protection of the environment by determining the impacts connected to our activities and prioritizing re-use and re-cycling of materials over disposal. We monitor our consumption of resources and energy, setting ourselves measurable environmental goals. We also disseminate the principles of environmental safeguarding through internal communication systems aimed at involving and empowering employees and other Stakeholders.

InfoCamere Group Sustainability Plan 2022/2023

Our Sustainability Plan translates the values expressed in the Sustainability Policy into concrete actions. The Plan is a tool that encourages growth and ongoing improvement of performance, making it an important means of dissemination to all our stakeholders, essential to communicate our commitment and actions on sustainability questions. The aims of the Plan relate to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030, and complete our contributions to change inspired by sustainable principles.

Further details:

Data Center



Well-being and development of the human capital

We see people as a capital to be preserved and improved by means of personal and professional growth paths. We believe in the constant updating and training of employees as a decisive and essential factor in the professional development of people, to spread corporate values and principles and, as a result, to improve growth overall and in the companies making up our Group

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Planned Objectives


Responsible approach and distributed economic value

We work hard to integrate sustainability in our actions. We build stable, high value relations based on transparency, trust and dynamism for virtuous, shared growth. We believe in creating a sustainable supply chain and we implement this principle by asking our suppliers to be sensitive to environmental and social questions.

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Planned Objectives


Fight against corruption and abuses of power

We operate in an ethical and responsible manner when carrying out our activities, applying and disseminating values of transparency, integrity, legality and sustainability.

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Planned Objectives


Support for the community

We translate our vision for the future into reality, leading change and sustainable development. We put all our efforts into playing an active role to support the communities of which we form a part, co-operating in university research activities. We help to train young students, also spreading the culture of sustainability to our stakeholders.

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Planned Objectives


Technology and innovation

We create cutting edge technological services to provide a concrete response to the ongoing evolution of economic and regulatory systems. We work with an eye to the future, holding firm to our values, which can be seen in the quality of the services offered and continuous improvements in performance

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Planned Objectives


Reduction in environmental impact

We improve environmental sustainability, with the aim of contributing to the fight against climate change and preserving natural resources. All this in order to create long term value for present and future generations.

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Planned Objectives


Our integrated view of Sustainability

For the InfoCamere Group, Sustainability is a constant commitment for the best interpretation of the present and to innovate the future. Our Platform, People, Place and Planet guidelines are our contribution to achieving the more sustainable social, economic and environmental balance necessary to ensure a better future for the next generations.


  • Economic value distributed

    113,2 million Euro

  • Investiments in innovation

    5,3 million Euro

  • Training

    25,400 hours

  • Investiment in corporate welfare

    3,2 million Euro

  • The Group

    1,074 employees

  • Energy from photovoltaic system

    182,789 kWh equivalent reduction

  • Eq. photovoltaic system demolished

    83 tCO2-eq

The Sustainability Report

Our sustainability values take the form of concrete actions.


Sustainability Report


Sustainability Report - abstract